Friday, 1 January 2016

New Year`s Resolutions

A New Year’s Resolution is a promise to yourself to improve your life in some way. You can improve your life by starting something new, by trying harder at something, by cutting down on something, or even quitting something. OR we can just keep doing what we are doing now.

A New Year’s Resolution, és una determinació que prenem l’any nou, una promesa que ens fem per millorar la nostra vida d’alguna manera. Podem millorar la nostra vida començant algo nou, posant més esforç en algo, fer menys alguna cosa o fins i tot deixar de fer alguna cosa que sabem que no es prou bona. O podem continuar fent el que estem fent (si creiem que ens va prou bé!)

Now make your resolutions and you can write and post them:

New Year`s Resolutions

1. I promise to listen to my teacher.

This year’s hopes (les nostres esperances per aquest any):

Last year:

Best thing that happened (el millor que et va passar)

Worst thing that happened (el pitjor)

1 comment:

  1. New year resolutions
    1. I am going to start doing exercise every day
    2. I am going to cut down on playing computer games
    3. I am going to try harder at going to bed earlier
    4. I am going to try to quit smoking
    5. I am going to keep on with the blog and learn a lot about it
    This year’s hopes:
    1. I hope for a healthy year for me, my family and friends
    2. I hope I can help others
    The best things that happened to me last year were to get my psychology degree and start this blog.


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