Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Today we are going to start speaking about feelings and emotions, so we need to learn new vocabulary, new words, adjectives to express how we feel, what we are like, how we are.

En aquesta activitat aprendrem nou vocabulari, especificament adjectius que ens ajudaran a expressar com ens sentim, com som i com ens trobem. Penjare unes quantes activitats  sobre els feelings i les emotions (sentiments i emocions).

La activitat que us recomano té a veure amb la taula de més abaix, la podeu baixar i imprimir. En aquesta taula, disposada com un timetable, trobeu unes quantes emotions and feelings per cada dia de la setmana, vosaltres escolliu per cada dia com us heu sentit, i podeu parlar-ho amb la mama o el papa, o amb aquella persona en qui teniu més confiança si ja sou més grans, també ho podem parlar a classe.

I propose you use the chart below to identify your feelings for a week, you can circle more than one, then we are going to discuss it in class. (Click on the chart and you can download and print it):


What are emotions?

Emotions have been described as discrete and consistent responses to internal or external events which have a particular significance for the organism. Emotions are brief in duration and consist of a coordinated set of responses that have different functions: cognitive, biological, functional and social.

And what are feelings?
Feelings are best understood as a subjective representation of emotions, private to the individual experiencing them.

It’s not very easy to find a simple definition, but we know what they are. Emotions and feelings explain things about ourselves, about how we are and feel, and to express and comunicate them we use facial expressions and adjectives, and the verbs feel  and be.

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