Friday 3 February 2023

Irregular verbs flash cards

Listen to how to say the irregular verbs

Past Tense games

Here you can practice with past simple irregular verbs.

hit on the head of the correct ones!

Regular o irregular verbs?

Irregular verbs: Mind Map

This map can help you with the irregular verbs. Click and you can view it bigger.

irregular verbs Memory games

Clik to play!

Irregular verbs Apps

This is a simple but good looking table of English irregular verbs. At your choice a table of 50 basic verbs and more advanced version, which includes 136 irregular verbs. You can use "look up" bar to search for verbs in the list if you need.

Irregular verbs

An irregular verb is one that does not take the -ed ending for the Past Simple and Past Participle forms. Some irregular verbs do not change; put put put, while others change completely; buy bought bought, etc.

There are more than 600 irregular verbs, to  view over 470 irregulars verbs including rare and antiquate forms, click here

In modern English the list is reduced to 370 verbs,
click here

Although in class we only study 100.

Here  you can view an interesting list that includes the 3rd person singular (present simple) and the present participle or gerund of the common irregular verbs.